Mungo National Park, Australia
Mungo National Park is part of Willandre Lake World Heritage Region. Willandra Lakes were once filled by Willandre Creek which runs out of the Lachlan River near Hillston, held water between 50,000 and about 15,000 years ago, they were a wildlife paradise. Aboriginal people camped, hunted, fished and gathered food around these lakes. Oldest remains of Aboriginal occupation in Australia (about 40000 years before present) has been found about the south-eastern shore of Lake Mungo. 在澳洲雪梨西邊987公里有一個月球表面景觀的Mungo國家公園. 現在是一個沙漠,但是45,000年前是一個湖區.14,000年前乾涸,留下許多化石,包括一個40,000年前的人類遺骸 與最早人類火葬的墳墓遺址,更有許多古生物化石.四萬年前澳洲原住民就居住於此,是澳洲發現最早有人居住的遺跡.這裡有一個世界最大的半月形沙丘(高30米),被稱為Walls of China (中國長城).這裡奇特景色和歷史價值被選為世界遺產和世界1001自然奇觀. Willandra Lakes 中午登上最高的沙丘, 很熱!!!!!! Mungo National Park Visitor center 到達遊客中心時才剛天 亮,遊客中心還沒有開 ! Mungo National Park 公園入口有代表原住民 的石雕 沙漠風化形成像石雕的 奇石 Walls of China