
Showing posts from June, 2012

Purnululu National Park, Western Australia -- 1001 Natural Wonders

        Purnululu National Park( The Bungle Bungles) is a national park in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. It is a World Heritage Site. Purnululu is the sandstone area of the Bungle Bungle Range. It is famous for the sandstone domes, unusual and visually striking with their striping in alternating orange and grey bands. Access to the park by road is via Spring Creek Track. The track is 53km long and is usable only in the dry season (about 1 April to 31 December), and only by four-Wheel-drive vehicles.         The Bungle Bungles這一個國家公園位於西澳的金伯利,因為其特殊的老虎斑紋的沙岩而被列為世界遺產.要到這國家公園可以從達爾文或布侖港來,但都要開好幾百公里的車,而且一定要四輪傳動車,因為唯一進到公園的路是一條四輪傳動車道.每年西北澳有將近半年的洪水期,這個國家公園是關閉的, 只有乾季時才開放(大約是四月至十二月),但是不一定,我們兩年前去時到五月底仍然關閉,直到六月初才開放.所以要到這個國家公園不容易,但是近年來吸引大量遊客想到這裡一探老虎斑紋沙岩所形成的自然奇觀. Piccaninny Creek Walk, Bungle Bungle N.P.Kimberley 沿著這個步道可以一直深入到上游的峽谷,越往上游峽谷越來越陡峭也更壯觀,Eric & Jane 來回 走了五小時.有人更 選擇背大包到裡面過一夜 Piccaninny Creek Walk Piccaninny Creek Walk 這個...

Glencoe, the Highlands, Scotland

        Glen Coe is a glen in the highlands of Scotland. The glen is U-shaped, formed by an ice age glacier, about 16km long with the floor of the glen being less than 700m wide, narrowing sharply at the Pass of Glen Coe about halfway along. Glen Coe is a very popular tourist destination: partly because of its scenic qualities, partly because it is on the main road north(the A82), and also because of its attraction for walkers and climbers.         蘇格蘭高地的Glen Coe是一個冰河切割的峽谷,非常容易到達,82號公路沿著峽谷開過. 當我們第一次到這裡時因為下雨,數不清的瀑布由山頂頃洩而下,配上色彩鮮案的秋色,為之驚艷,過兩天Eric & Jane再度拜訪這地方.當然這裡許多步道也是吸引我們再度拜訪的誘因,走在這裡的大山大河間,感覺自己的渺小與造物者的偉大.