
Showing posts from July, 2012

Freycinet National Park, Tasmania Australia -- 1001 Natural Wonders

        這一個國家公園是塔斯曼島重要景點之一,我們到這裡的第二天天未亮就上Amos山去欣賞這裡的美景.Mt Amos整座山是花崗岩組成,一路垂直向上我們必須攀岩上到山頂.在山頂上清晨的陽光照在Wine Glass Bay真是迷人極了,難怪一路上好多好心的同好向我們推薦這一個國家公園,我們在山頂徘徊半小時不忍下山.Wine Glass Bay 是白色石英顏細沙祖成的雪白沙灘,我們穿過沼澤到 Hazards Beach,這裡的沙灘是粉紅色,這是紅色花崗岩隙沙組成,和Wine Glass Bay 的雪白沙灘形成對比.         Freycinet is a national park on the east coast of Tasmania, Australia, 125 km northeast of Hobart. It occupies a large part of the Freycinet Peninsula. Devonian Granite is the dominant rock type at Freycinet. Orthoclase, a pink feldspar gives the mountains and coastline their characteristic pink tint. Black micas and white quartz are also found. The western side of Schouten Island is composed of Jurassic Dolerite. 在Amos山頂與酒杯 海灣合影 Wineglass Bay Mt Amos MT Amos 是花崗岩的石頭山,登 山步道要沿著陡峭石壁 攀爬,有些路段相當危 險,潮濕時不可以上山   Coles Bay before sunrise 破曉時分的Coles Bay 一路上山可以欣賞花崗 岩的奇石 Wine Glass Bay, view from Mt Amos. 酒杯海灣是這裡最出名 的景點,我們在清晨時 上Amos山看到最美 的酒杯海...

Ben Nevis,the Highlands, Scotland -- 1001 Natural Wonders

         本尼維斯山(英語:Ben Nevis、蘇格蘭蓋爾語:Beinn Nibheis)是不列顛群島最高的山峰。 它位於英國蘇格蘭西部的格蘭扁山脈,毗鄰高 地的小鎮威廉堡(Fort William.本尼維斯山的高度和海陸位 置造成了對登山者不利的不正常的惡劣天氣狀 況。平均來說,一年山頂被烏雲籠罩長達35 5天之久.所以我們爬到一半也被其大風大雨阻 擋,很遺憾的下山.蘇格蘭的多雨和天候的多 變,在這裡登山非常困難,我們嘗試登幾座高 山半途放棄的機率相當高.        Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in the British Isles. Standing at 1,344 metres (4,409 ft) above sea level, it is located at the western end of the Grampian Mountains in the Lochaber area of the Scottish Highlands, close to the town of Fort William. 這裡一年有300天是 陰雨 Glen Nevis

Glomach Falls ,the Highlands Scotland -- 1001 Natural Wonders

        The Falls of Glomach, in Ross-shire, Scotland, is one of the highest waterfalls in Britain, at 113 m (370 ft). The falls border Kintail donated to the National Trust for Scotland in 1944 and subsequently incorporating West Affric in 1993. It is not easily reached on foot, requiring an 8-kilometer trek through remote and wild countryside.         格羅馬克瀑布位於蘇格蘭高地羅斯郡,號稱為不列顛群島最高的瀑布,但是卻鮮少人到訪.因為這要克服這裡濕冷的天候,長途辛苦翻山越嶺的體力,還要具備自我山野導航的能力,才能一睹廬山真面目.Eric&Jane費盡千辛萬苦,還差點在山上迷路,才找到這個神祕的瀑布,但是我們覺得非常值得,不信可試試看. Falls of Glomach   群山和 Loch Duich 我們走在瀑布的邊緣, 下面是萬丈深淵,有些 可怕 走在這高原上很冷而且會失去方向感很容易迷路 瀑布全景 瀑布上源的清澈溪流

Ben Lomond, Tasmania Australia -- 1001 Natural Wonders

        Ben Lomond, 1,570 m AHD (5,151 feet), is a mountain in the north of Tasmania. It is east of Launceston in the Ben Lomond National Park. Tasmania's premier Alpine skiing operations are located at Ben Lomond and it is one of two mountains with downhill skiing facilities in the State. Its accessibility from Launceston, together with the existence of a ski village on the plateau make Ben Lomond an all year round favorite for tourists and hikers. Access to the village and summit can be made via several walking tracks or via a zig-zag road known as "Jacobs Ladder".The area consists of an outstanding variety of glacial and periglacial features which are considered of national significance.         澳洲塔斯曼島的諾曼山國家公園(Ben Lomond National Park) 位於塔斯曼島的北邊,高1570m是座冰河地形的陡峭高山. 這是塔斯曼島出名的滑雪勝地也是登山者的樂園,終年遊客川流不息.山勢的陡峭和植物的多樣性被列入1001世界奇觀.我們先由停車場走步道登上山頂,整座諾曼山非常Rocky,山峰有整排陡峭的石柱,山坡是冰河時期留下來的滾滾巨石.上到山脊後是一片平緩高原,巨石搭配雪水滋養的許多苔蘚和野花,形成一望無際的石頭花園,直得讓你花一天的時間躺佯其間. 下山後我們開車沿著出名的"雅各...

Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park, Tasmania Australia -- 1001 Natural Wonders

        Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park is located in the Central Highlands area of Tasmania (Australia), 165 km northwest of Hobart. The park contains many walking trails. It is one of the principal tourist sites in Tasmania, owing to its natural beauty. The mountain is composed of dolerite columns, similar to many of the other mountains in the area. Here is one end of the Overland Track, a world-famous multi-day walk starts here.         搖藍山位於澳洲塔斯曼島中央的高原地帶,整個山區由硬的火山岩組成,高聳的石柱和冰河留下的湖泊搭配成驚世美景,因此被列入1001 世界奇觀.這裡有許多登山步道,其中最出名的是"Overland Track"( 約要走五天),吸引許多國際登山客,想要走這條步道需一年前登記.如果沒有機會走Overland Track,直接登搖籃山山頂也是相當刺激.還有環山步道經過許多高山湖泊溪流瀑布,更可近距里欣賞雄偉的搖籃山.如果你想輕鬆遊,那鴿子湖環湖步道幾乎全部鋪了木板非常簡單,如果幸運在風平浪靜的晴朗日子,你就可看到美得令人屏息的湖泊倒影. 這裡的高山植物苔蘚野花美得像畫一樣,所以我們在這裡三天每天都上高山欣賞上帝所造的大花園. 在Lila Lake 看Craddle Mountain 的倒影   這地區的水都是香檳色    雨中的DoveLak e&Cradle Mountain Overland Track 像這樣 高山苔蘚 走Overland Track 的tramper 把 pack 放在這裡上Cradl...