Freycinet National Park, Tasmania Australia -- 1001 Natural Wonders
這一個國家公園是塔斯曼島重要景點之一,我們到這裡的第二天天未亮就上Amos山去欣賞這裡的美景.Mt Amos整座山是花崗岩組成,一路垂直向上我們必須攀岩上到山頂.在山頂上清晨的陽光照在Wine Glass Bay真是迷人極了,難怪一路上好多好心的同好向我們推薦這一個國家公園,我們在山頂徘徊半小時不忍下山.Wine Glass Bay 是白色石英顏細沙祖成的雪白沙灘,我們穿過沼澤到 Hazards Beach,這裡的沙灘是粉紅色,這是紅色花崗岩隙沙組成,和Wine Glass Bay 的雪白沙灘形成對比. Freycinet is a national park on the east coast of Tasmania, Australia, 125 km northeast of Hobart. It occupies a large part of the Freycinet Peninsula. Devonian Granite is the dominant rock type at Freycinet. Orthoclase, a pink feldspar gives the mountains and coastline their characteristic pink tint. Black micas and white quartz are also found. The western side of Schouten Island is composed of Jurassic Dolerite. 在Amos山頂與酒杯 海灣合影 Wineglass Bay Mt Amos MT Amos 是花崗岩的石頭山,登 山步道要沿著陡峭石壁 攀爬,有些路段相當危 險,潮濕時不可以上山 Coles Bay before sunrise 破曉時分的Coles Bay 一路上山可以欣賞花崗 岩的奇石 Wine Glass Bay, view from Mt Amos. 酒杯海灣是這裡最出名 的景點,我們在清晨時 上Amos山看到最美 的酒杯海...