
Showing posts from August, 2012

知床半島Shiretoko,a natural World Heritage site

          知床半島是日本北海道東北部的一個半島,突出於鄂霍次克海,2005年7月14日在南非召開的第29屆世界自然遺產會議中,決定把知床半島列為世界自然遺產,並於2005年7月17日正式登錄。         我們這次的北海道行把知床半島列為一個重點,所以住在斜里住4天,想把知床半島玩深入一些,可惜除了第一天以外這裡天天下雨,因此這次知床之旅的印象是"霧濛濛".不過既來了我們還是雨中作樂大至把知床半島走了一圈. 五湖→Shiretoko橫貫公路→,Shiretoko Pass→Aidomari 溫泉(這是知床東北岸公路的盡頭), 三層瀑布 (Sandan Waterfall),Furepe 瀑布,Oshinkoshin瀑布.另外有一天爬羅臼山(Mt Rausu),但是天候不佳沒有登頂.         因為知床半島天候不佳所以我們撥一天去芝櫻公園和釧路濕原.知床半島之所以被列為世界遺產是因為這裡有非常豐富和特殊的生物,尤其是冬天有許多海洋生物和鳥類聚居於此.所以這裡冬天是相當熱鬧,我們五月到這裡是春天,看不到海洋生物,但是看到許多野鹿和紅狐.         Shiretoko Peninsula is located in the north-east of Hokkaido, the northernmost island of Japan. The site includes the land from the central part of the peninsula to its tip (Shiretoko Cape) and the surrounding marine area. It provides an outstanding example of the interaction of marine and terrestrial ecosystems as well as extraordinary ecosystem productivity, largely influenced by the formation of seasonal sea ice at ...

Rotorua Geothermal Region New Zealand -- 1001 Natural Wonders

        Rotorua New Zealand is a geothermal wonderland. There are more than 1200 geothermal features-geysers, hot springs, mud pools, fumaroles, silica terraces, and salt deposits around Rotorua region. Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Wonderland is an outstanding example suitable for a day tour. 紐西蘭Rotorua地熱區共有1200處地熱噴泉,溫泉,泥漿池,白色矽砂的河床,五顏六色的水池.其中Wai-O-Tapu有草綠色,乳白色,黃色,橘色 的水池,多彩的景觀令人讚嘆不已! 香檳泉 Wai-o-Tapu  Thermal Wonderland , Rotorua  

Brimham Rocks England -- 1001 Natural Wonders

        英國約克夏北邊有一個石頭公園,這些石頭有些單獨一個很壯觀,有些堆疊成石頭造景.最高的石頭可達30m,這些石頭長年經過風雨和冰河的侵蝕形成各種特殊形狀,憑著想像力你可以在這些石頭裡找到烏龜,跳舞的熊...所以這裡也成為兒童的遊樂場.同時因陡峭的石壁使這裡為攀岩著的樂園.我們在這些形形色色的巨石間蜿蜒瀏覽了半天,有時也學著攀岩者攀攀岩,非常有趣,也更能了解這裡為甚麼被列為世界奇觀.         The Brimham Rocks are balancing rock formations located on Brimham Moor in North Yorkshire, England. The rocks stand at a height of nearly 30 meters. There are many variations of rock formations, caused by the Millstone Grit being eroded by water, glaciation, and wind, most of which have achieved amazing shapes.         The Brimam Rocks in an area owned by the National Trust which is part of the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.         The property is open all year round; typically from 8 a.m. until dusk. Entry is free, however, car parking is charged for those who are not members of The National Trust.