Tawharanui Coast Walk 1
Tawharanui Regional Park 距離奧克蘭開車約一個半小時, 是奧克蘭附近很熱門的一個公園.這裡海岸規劃了海洋保留地,實施海洋保育.並且在公園裡進行"mainland island"的計畫保育原生種動植物. 白沙海灘和雄偉的石頭海岸,到夏天總是湧入大批人潮來此露營,戲水,步行賞景,樹林賞鳥,是一個適合攜家帶眷的度假勝地. 我們很喜歡這個海岸,在這裡規劃兩條海岸步道,這是其中一條, 有興趣的朋友可以走看看. Tawharanui Peninsula is a finger of land projecting into the Hauraki Gulf from the east coast of the much larger North Auckland Peninsula of New Zealand . It separates Omaha Bay to the north from Kawau Bay and Kawau Island to the south. The nearest sizable town is Warkworth . Tawaharanui Regional Park combines a " mainland island " sanctuary for the conservation of native plants and animals with farmland and public recreation areas. The park is mostly grazed pasture with Manuka scattered throughout and patches of coastal forest. Grade:Easy Remarks:必須風平浪靜,最好沒有東風的好天氣,在最低潮之前三小時開始走. ...