Montserrat Spain -- 1001 Natural Wonders

The sihouette of the 6km long Muntanya de Montserrate--the "serrated mountain"--completely dominates the plain behind Barcelona Spain, its pale conglomerate pillars thrusting skyward. There are more than 2000 routes for mountain climbers. Montserrat also attracts hordes of pilgrims who come to venerate the Black Madonna. It is a great attraction to visit! 西班牙巴塞隆納附近的修道院山,綿延六公里長高聳入雲的石柱非常壯觀.這裡有2000條的攀岩步道,是攀岩者的天堂.同時這裡也吸引許多朝聖者來此朝拜"黑色聖母瑪利亞"