國王峽谷--位於澳洲中部,離艾莉絲泉西南約323公里處,從艾莉絲泉開車到國王峽谷約需四小時.通常遊客到澳洲紅色中心(red center) 旅遊有三個重要景點: Ayers Rock, Alice Spring, Kings Canyon.我們在Kings Canyon Resort 住兩個晚上.走完這裡三條主要步道: Kings Creek Walk(1小時), Kings Canyon Rim Walk(3小時), Giles Track(8小時).
國王峽谷是George Gill山脈的最西段,在這裡紅色沙岩的山脈被國王溪切割成百米深的峽谷,非常壯觀.走在峽谷的上方還可以欣賞一望無際被風化成寶塔式的小山丘(sandstone Dome),景色有些像西澳的(Bungle Bungle).沿著國王溪谷步道走,可以看到整列的奇石就像排列整齊的國王衛兵,此時你知道你真正走在國王峽谷.當你爬到峽谷的上方沿著峽谷邊緣走,感受溪水切割的威力和神奇.在整片看似不毛的砂岩上仍然有許多小水潭,處處可以看到小樹,野花,野鳥.這些欣欣向榮的生命讓你更能體會"不需為明日而憂慮,因為路邊的野花上帝尚且照顧.何況是你?"
Kings Canyon is part of the Watarrka National Park in Northern Territory, Australia. Sitting at the western end of the George Gill Range, it is 323 km southwest of Alice Springs and 1,316 km south of Darwin.
The walls of Kings Canyon are over 100 meters high, with Kings Creek at the bottom. Part of the gorge is a sacred Aboriginal site and visitors are discouraged from walking off the walking tracks.
Three walks exist at Kings Canyon. The 2 km (return) and approximately 1 hour Kings Creek Walk trace the bottom of the gorge. At the end of the walk is a platform, with views of the canyon walls above. The 6 km (loop) and 3-4 hour Kings Canyon Rim Walk traces the top of the canyon. A steep climb at the beginning of the walk, which locals call "Heartbreak Hill" (or "Heart Attack Hill", due to its steepness), takes visitors up to the top, with spectacular views of the gorge below and of the surrounding landscape. About halfway during the walk, a detour descends to Garden of Eden, a permanent waterhole surrounded by lush plant life. The last half of the walk passes through a large maze of weathered sandstone domes, reminiscent of the Bungle Bungle. A slow descent brings the visitor back to the starting point. The loop can also be done in reverse (anti-clockwise), but the National Park Rangers encourage visitors to walk in one direction.
The 22 km Giles Track connects Kings Canyon to Kathleen Springs and is popular with more adventurous hikers.
Kings Creek Walk 看到 排列像國王衛兵的巨石 |
sandstone dome |
走在dome wall |
Canyon Rim Walk |
走在峽谷邊緣不知不覺腳底發毛 |
Eric 去探一探峽谷邊緣 |
Garden of Eden |
Jane 鼓起勇氣坐在峽谷邊緣 |
砂岩石壁仍然孕育許多小樹 |
好美的山 |
遠看像小饅頭的Dome走在她下面變成一堵巨牆 |
砂岩上的野花 |
砂岩上的小水潭 |
Giles Track 上的水潭 |
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