Port Arthur Convict Tour ,World Heritage
亞瑟港位於澳洲的塔斯曼島,過去英國殖民澳洲時把許多罪犯送到澳洲隔離,這是澳洲保存最完整的罪犯遺址.18 和19世紀時罪犯們在這裡建立一個非常完整的自給自足的社區,相當有歷史價值,因此被列為世界遺產,也是塔斯曼島最吸引遊客的旅遊點.
Port Arthur is a small town and former convict settlement on the Tasman Peninsula, in Tasmania, Australia. Port Arthur is one of Australia's most significant heritage areas and an open air museum.
The site forms part of the Australian Convict Sites, a World Heritage property consisting of eleven remnant penal sites originally built within the British Empire during the 18th and 19th centuries on fertile Australian coastal strips. Collectively, these sites, including Port Arthur, now represent, "...the best surviving examples of large-scale convict transportation and the colonial expansion of European powers through the presence and labour of convicts.
Port Arthur is officially Tasmania's top tourist attraction. It is located approximately 60 kilometers (37 mi) southeast of the state capital, Hobart. In 1996 it was the scene of the worst mass murder event in post-colonial Australian history.
Port Arthur is a small town and former convict settlement on the Tasman Peninsula, in Tasmania, Australia. Port Arthur is one of Australia's most significant heritage areas and an open air museum.
The site forms part of the Australian Convict Sites, a World Heritage property consisting of eleven remnant penal sites originally built within the British Empire during the 18th and 19th centuries on fertile Australian coastal strips. Collectively, these sites, including Port Arthur, now represent, "...the best surviving examples of large-scale convict transportation and the colonial expansion of European powers through the presence and labour of convicts.
Port Arthur is officially Tasmania's top tourist attraction. It is located approximately 60 kilometers (37 mi) southeast of the state capital, Hobart. In 1996 it was the scene of the worst mass murder event in post-colonial Australian history.
塔斯曼島最大的教堂 |
亞瑟港罪犯遺址全景 |
城堡警衛眺望台 |
右後方是醫院遺址 |
罪犯信仰不同教派, 所以這裡有多間不同教堂 |
罪犯聯外的洞口 |
主要建築內部 |
港口 |
殖民官住所 |
從港口回望遺址全景 |
另一座教堂 |
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