Shark Bay 位於西澳,是自然的世界遺產,位於伯斯以北約800公理,海灣覆蓋了大約10000平方米的區域,平均深度為10米。它被很多淺灘分割為很多半島和島嶼。海岸線長約1500公里。鯊魚灣坐落在三大主要氣候帶的過渡地帶,也處在兩個植物學區域的中間,有非常豐富的海洋生態,保育許多頻臨絕種的生物,因此被列為自然的世界遺產.
在海灣南邊的哈美林池(en:Hamelin Pool, Western Australia),由微生物藍綠藻所搭建的疊層岩已經有超過3000年的歷史。哈美林池有著世界上最豐富多樣的疊層岩類型,這是全世界最古老的生物,單細胞藍綠藻stromatolites,被稱為活化石.
Shark Bay World Heritage Area covers 2.2 million hectares on the coast of Western Australia. Its colourful and diverse landscapes are home for a profusion of animals and plants, including some found nowhere else on Earth. Its vast seagrass meadows feed and shelter globally endangered species. Complex interactions between these plants, the climate and the marine environment have allowed unusual ‘living fossils’, stromatolites, to thrive, much as they did at the dawn of time. Shark Bay’s extraordinary natural riches are of outstanding global significance.
Stromatolites are rock-like structures built by microbes (single-celled cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae). Shark Bay’s stromatolites are only 2,000 to 3,000 years old, but they are similar to life forms found on Earth up to 3.5 billion years ago! Hamelin Pool is one of only three places on Earth where you can see living marine stromatolites. (The other two places are in the Bahamas.) Stromatolites are found in Hamelin Pool because its water is twice as salty as normal seawater. Few predators and competitors can survive these conditions, allowing the microbes to flourish and form stromatolites much as they did billions of years ago.
Hamelin Pool 的stromatolites(單細胞藍綠藻) |
鵜鶘和海豚,Monkey Mia |
Monkey Mia 每天定時在這裡餵食海豚,所以吸引許多遊客在這裡欣賞海豚 |
Eric 正在尋找海草seagrass |
the world's largest seagrass meadows. Shark Bay is home to more species of seagrass than anywhere else on the planet. |
Shell Beach |
Shell Beach 遠看的白砂其實是貝殼砂 |
白砂近看是貝殼 |
Hamelin Pool |
這說明台是貝殼磚組成 |
貝殼砂生長這種特殊植物,搭配白貝殼砂有如日本庭園,非常美 |
鳥糞形成的rock岩壁 |
夕陽下的鯊魚灣最美 |
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