
Showing posts from 2011

Kangaroo Island, South Australia -- 1001 Natural Wonders

        Kangaroo Island, located off the South Australian coast 112km southwest of Adelaide, is Australia's third-largest island. 140000 tourists flock to the island annually to enjoy the pristine wilderness and see plentiful wildlife here. Seal Bay and Flinders Chase National Park are two hot spots.         袋鼠島位於南澳洲,是澳洲第三大島,在阿德雷德西南邊,離海岸約112km處.這裡的原始景相每年吸引約140000觀光客來此度假.最熱門的景點是Seal Bay和Flinders Chase National Park.

Mt Taranaki North Island New Zealand -- 1001 Natural Wonders

        Mt. Taranaki 位於紐西蘭北島西邊海岸,高2518米的火山矗立海邊更禿顯山的高聳.因其外形比富士山更像古代的富士山,所以日本最後的武士在此拍攝,這是紐西蘭北島最難攀爬的一座山,也因山難頻頻,惡名昭彰而吸引許多登山客來此享受攀爬的刺激.但是要登此山必須有好的裝備,好的天氣,有些國際遊客在山腳下等很長的時間才有機會上山,但到山頂可以欣賞冰河,雲海,砂魚嘴般的火山口巨石,一路的辛苦是有回報的.         2518meters high Mount Taranaki (also called Mt Egmont) is one of the most symmetrical volcanic cones in the world. The elegant volcanic cone stands alone on the west coast of North Island New Zealand. It provided the backdrop for the movie “The Last Samurai ” due to its resemblance to Mt Fuji Japan. Thousands of hikers venture to the summit every summer. Tahurangi Lodge, 這是登Taranak i 的登山口,別被你的視 覺騙了,山頂看似很近 ,事實上還有1000 m的高差上山頂 Mt, Taranaki 2518m 和她的前峰Fanth ams Peak 1966m 是兩座火山,冬天積雪 時看得更清楚 Taranaki 的Shark Tooth 今天看得特別清楚 Fanthams Peak Mt Taranaki in summer 夏天的Mt Taranaki Mt Taranaki in winter  我們爬上Mt, Taranaki 旁邊的1250m左右 的的小山峰去欣賞Mt , Taranaki   Mt Taranaki inwinter  我們在濕冷的高山水潭 邊等了一小時...

Nambung National Park Western Australia -- 1001 Natural Wonders

        The extraordinary Pinnacles Desert where thousands of huge limestone pillars rise up to 3.5 meters above shifting yellow sands is located in Nambung National Park, an easy 3 hours drive from Perth Western Australia. The pillars were formed over tens of thousands of years and are the eroded remnants of formerly thick beds of limestone. It is a striking contrast to the nearby white coastal dunes in the park. Approximately 150,000 people visit the park each year.         這片石林沙漠有數千隻3.5 米高的石灰岩石柱直立在金黃色的流沙沙漠中,與附近白色海岸沙丘形成強烈對比.這個國家公園離西澳首都伯斯約3小時車程,每年約有15萬遊客前來欣賞此特殊景觀.   Nambung National Park   The two territoria l parrots competed against each other                                                 兩隻澳洲鸚鵡正在爭奪 地盤

Snowdon&Snowdonia National Park Wales UK -- 1001 Natural Wonders

       Snowdonia 國家公園位於威爾斯北部,是英國最常下雨的地方之一.每年吸引6百萬人來此登山賞景.經常雲霧瀰漫的湖泊與壯麗山景,流連其間讓人忘記塵世的喧囂.         Snowdonia National Park in North Wales UK is one of the wettest parts of the British Islands. Its 1085 meters Mt. Snowdon is the highest peak in Wales. This national park attracts over 6 million visitors annually is the third most visited national park in England and Wales. Most visitors come here for the grand scenery and excellent walking trails.   Snowdon & Snowdonia National Park                                                   Snowdon & Snodonia National Park