Nambung National Park Western Australia -- 1001 Natural Wonders
The extraordinary Pinnacles Desert where thousands of huge limestone pillars rise up to 3.5 meters above shifting yellow sands is located in Nambung National Park, an easy 3 hours drive from Perth Western Australia. The pillars were formed over tens of thousands of years and are the eroded remnants of formerly thick beds of limestone. It is a striking contrast to the nearby white coastal dunes in the park. Approximately 150,000 people visit the park each year.
這片石林沙漠有數千隻3.5 米高的石灰岩石柱直立在金黃色的流沙沙漠中,與附近白色海岸沙丘形成強烈對比.這個國家公園離西澳首都伯斯約3小時車程,每年約有15萬遊客前來欣賞此特殊景觀.
Nambung National Park
The two territorial parrots competed against each other
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